At Injury Chiropractic West Phoenix, we work with patients requiring effective care after an auto accident. Car accidents or even fender benders can cause injuries that require examination. Our Phoenix and Avondale chiropractor, Dr. Chris Mendola, specializes in whiplash and other auto accident injuries.
Research has shown that even slow speed accidents can cause severe trauma to your spine and neck. These injuries sometimes do not become immediately apparent and the patient may not notice any problems after the accident.
Dr. Chris Mendola possesses more than 20 years of experience in treating complex injuries and has relieved pain for thousands of patients. The team will work to ensure that you are able to recover from back and neck injuries without the need for medication or surgery.
Specializing in this area of chiropractic care ensures that Avondale patients feel confident in the treatment they receive. In most cases, we do not require insurance or out-of-pocket expenses to provide care.
If you or a loved one has been involved in an auto accident, contact us today at (623) 377-7622 to learn more about your treatment options.